The Willows Park Preserve
Strategic Plan
The Willows Park Preserve will revitalize the Willows Mansion as an integral part of the Willows Park and open it to the community as a welcoming and inclusive place for relaxation, connection, celebration and life-long learning.
The Willows Park Preserve envisions a place where all members of the community can experience social interaction, life-long learning, personal growth and enhanced well-being.
Core Values
Community, Inclusivity, Open Space, Historical Preservation, Life-long Learning, Health and Wellness, Arts and Culture, Collaboration
Strategic Priorities
Willows Park Preserve will continue to revitalize the Willows Mansion
Willows Park Preserve will become a financially self-sustaining organization
The Willows Mansion will continue to be an integral part of the Willows Park
Willows Park Preserve will be a welcoming and inclusive place
Willows Park Preserve will be a place for relaxation, connection, celebration and life-long learning