Past Programs and Events
at the Willows Park Preserve
Concerts in the Courtyard
Jazz Pianist Robert Prester and Soprano Adriana Samargia
Emily Drinker
Younger Brothers
Arts International Concerto Soloists
Radnor High School Orchestra
Radnor High Jazz Band
Shipley School Jazz Band
The Haverford School Notables
Youth Leadership Camp with Rose and Lion
Wellness at the Willows
Valentines Day Event
Holiday Open House
Wildflower Tours with Mary Coe
Growing your own Vegetables and Herbs with Mary Coe
Youth Fishing Clinics with Todd Pride
Virtual Cooking Classes with Sheri DeMaris
Tree Identification Walk with Mary Coe
“The Birds are Back! Watching and Walking in Skunk Hollow and the Willows with Phil Witmer
For the love of Blue Birds presented by Krista Hixon
Where do Honey Bee come from….and Where do they go? Presented by Ed Pieters
Flexibility classes with Restore Movement
Paul Hawken’s “Drawndown” a presentation and discussion with Margie Reinhart
Introduction to Mindfulness Stress Reduction with Curt Woolford
Wine Tasting with Penns Woods Winery
Bishop Richard Allen presented by Rev. Carolyn Cavaness
Whiskey Tasting with Dad’s Hat, Widows Peak and PA Distilling
WPP Speaker Series
“Lost Mansions of the Main Line” presented by Jeff Groff
“Woodcrest” presented by Howard Holden
“Chanticleer” presented by Anne Sims
“The Willows and its Neighbors” presented by Jeff Groff
“Everything happens somewhere. Main Line Maps and Mapmakers 1687 to 2021”
Presented by George Lonsdorf
“Getting back to life as we knew it – a post pandemic world” presented by Dr. Mark
“The Willows Park Preserve and its Neighbors” presented by Jeff Groff
“Planned” Garden Suburbs” presented by Greg Prichard
“Ardrossan” presented by David Nelson Wren
Heal the Gut with Food and the 5R Approach presented by Kaytee Hadley
Penn State Extension Master Gardener Speaker Series
Spotted Lantern Flies information session
Container Gardening
Herbs in your Garden
How to Grow a Grill Garden
Preparing your Garden for Winter
Going Native in your Garden
Winter Interest Gardening: Grasses, Seeds, Barks and Greens
Spring Ephemerals